Completed questionnaires were checked, edited, entered and cleaned to produce as SPSS data file. Version of the audit questions 1. Define the meaning of the word Holocaust. 2. DescribeKristallnacht – Crystal Night year, on which began anti-Jewish pogroms. 3. What sign were Jews identified with during the Holocaust? 4. Indicate the number of Holocaust Jewish victims. 5. Describe the signs of the impact of Holocaust trauma on “second generation”, transgeneration Holocaust. 6. Describe the principles of kosher foods. 7. What is tahara? 8. List five Jewish holidays. The correct answers 1. The term holocaust, which can be understood as a burnt sacrificial offering, has become accepted as a synonym for the Nazi mass murder of Jews in order to completely exterminate European Jewry. Holocaust – Shoah describes the final solution of the Jewish question (i.e., extermination of the Jewish nation). 2. Crystal Night is the name that’s been given to the night of November 9–10 1938. In almost all large German cities and some smaller ones that night, store windows of Jewish shops were broken, Jewish houses and apartments were destroyed, and synagogues were demolished and set on fire. 3. A Star of David, often yellow-colored, was used by the Nazis during the Holocaust as a method of identifying Jews. 4. During the Holocaust were killed about 6 million Jews. 5. The second generation (in terms of the Holocaust) is characterized by the following symptoms: anxiety, depressive and psychosomatic disorders, loneliness, nightmares, sleep disturbances, a tendency to experience feelings of guilt, overestimation of the importance of food, which they consider a major value; a food is a central cause of various disorders they suffer from, etc. 6. Kosher foods are those that comply to the regulations of kashrut (Jewish dietary law). Reasons for food not being kosher include the presence of ingredients derived from non-kosher animals (pork, rabbit, eagle, owl, catfish, sturgeon, and any shellfish, insect or reptile are non-kosher) or from kosher animals that were not slaughtered in the ritually proper manner, a mixture of meat and milk, wine, or grape juice (or their derivatives) produced without supervision, the use of produce from Israel that has not been tithed, or the use of non-kosher cooking utensils and machinery. Jewish patients often request special kosher food in accordance with religious laws that govern the methods of preparation. 7. Tahara is ritual cleansing of the deceased. 8. Jewish holidays are usually highly significant for patients. Passover in the spring 132 (10) Rebeka Ralbovská - Monika Zaviš - Renata Knezović