We can perceive the whole range of relationships to others: indifference, mutual misunderstanding, rivalry, attempts to command or control others, hatred, taking others as a necessary evil, tolerance, dialogue, coo- peration, respect, love. A bad experience with people of another faith does not warrant us to judge all who belong to the same tradition. The decline of the Church in Western societies in the last centuries used tobe interpreted also as a decrease of spirituality. But the need for a spiritual dimension somehow belongs to human life; it is only the ways of satisfying this need, which has changed. There, some questions arise for the Church. Which is more important: the salvation of all traditional institutional aspects of the Church, or the salvation of concrete contemporary people as they are? But on the other hand there is another dilemma. Is it good for the Church to conform too easily to the new sociological situation and give up the treasures of its tradition, or is it better to struggle very sensitively for new ways of handing down the Christian tradition to new generations? Such questions are primarily practical, and therefore, only a certainway of lifecan be a proper answer to them. But, first, they need a theoretical analysis and understanding. This paper with some considerations and proposals is one among the efforts aimed at this goal. Acknowledgement The current article is a revised version of an article originally published in Dreaming Our Neighbour: The Shoa and the Utopia of Yesterday, edited by Šajda, Peter, Blocksome, Rebecca, and Nagypál Szabolcs, 121–131. Warszawa: BGÖI & WSCF-CESR, 2006. References Berger, Peter, and Thomas Luckmann. 1966. The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. New York: Anchor Books. Blackmore, Susan. 1999. The Meme Machine. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Council of Europe. 1992. “Recommendation 1178 on Sects and New Religious Movements.” Accessed January 10, 2015. http://assembly.coe.int/main.asp?Link=/documents/ adoptedtext/ta92/erec1178.htm Council of Europe, 1999. “Recommendation 1412 Illegal Activities of Sects.” Accessed January 10, 2015. http://assembly.coe.int/main. asp?Link=/documents/adoptedtext/ta99/ erec1412.htm Luckmann, Thomas. 1967. The Invisible Religion: The Problem of Religion in Modern Society. New York: Macmillan. Lužný, Dušan. 1999. Náboženství a moderní společnost: Sociologické teorie modernizace a sekularizace [Religion and Modern Society: Sociological Theories of Modernization and Secularization]. Brno: Masarykova univerzita. Otto, Rudolf. 1950. The Idea of the Holy. New York: Oxford University Press. 120 (8) Adrián Slavkovský