S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 8 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 2 2 3 Enrico Beltramini Being water and not a drop, while [being] still a drop. – Raimon Panikkar 1 Introduction Philosopher and theologian Raimon Panikkar (1918–2010) is the celebrated author of fundamental writings in the domains of philosophy of religion and interfaith dialogue. The list of his most famous works includes Worship and Secular Man (1973), Myth, Faith and Hermeneutics (1979), and Blessed Simplicity: The Monk as a Universal Archetype (1984) in the field of philosophy of religion, and The Unknown Christ of Hinduism (1964), The Silence of God: The Answer of the Buddha (1989) and Christophany: The Fullness of Man (2004) in the area of interreligious dialogue. He was also the editor of The Vedic Experience (1977), a monumental anthology of the Vedas presented in a distinct style relevant to the modern reader. Born in Spain, he spent part of his life in India and the United States. In his lectures and books, he was known to offer a variety of perspectives, subtle distinctions, and evidences of an encyclopedic erudition. Enrico Beltramini, Ph.D. is a theologian who specializes in historical and political theology. He has contributed over 60 peer-reviewed articles to academic journals and is the author of two monographies, including The Unknown Christ of Christianity, a study on the biblical background of the theologian Raimon Panikkar’s early writings. He is on the faculty of Notre Dame de Namur University, California, USA. He can be reached at his personal email ebeltramini@yahoo. com. ← ← Raimon Panikkar