S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 8 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 2 6 3 Robert Kaluža, Helena Kalužová Given that the path against involution consists in using a retrograde Buddhist method of ‘letting go’, i.e. , inner detachment from everything that initiates anger, discontent, obstinacy, unkind mind etc. However, in order to truly achieve this spiritual and moral uplift, which also has a strong positive impact on the health of both body and mind, one must find certain supporting structures within. The yogic-mystical system discussed in this article finds these supports exclusively in the body and feelings of man; the malfunctions of which are at the very roots of decline of being. 4 Psychosomatic Basis of Minařík’s Mysticism Květoslav Minařík defines the human body as a form of condensed or crystallized karma. Body is thus a source of countless phenomena and magic forces, for “in the being of a human there are only physical phenomena despite the general belief that there are also biological [note: phenomena]” (Minařík 1991/2, 125). Owing to the similarity of qualities, namely human consciousness, and the etheric principle of the cosmic space, “man is nourished not only by coarse food but also by the essence of space. But man and woman think; and he and she think so much that they are wasting the absorbed essential cosmic force and thus have to resort to food only. Because the problem of health cannot be solved by the means currently available. No matter how much you force, by using medications, your organs to work properly, you will not manage, except for immediate chemical stimulation, to force [note: your organs] to satisfactorily assimilate the essential forces.” (Minařík 2013, 84). Thus, “when humans began to live exclusively for perceiving the outer world and for pleasures coming from impressions gathered [note: in the world]” (Minařík 1991/2, 234), what occurred in man’s being was that the current of forces within was reversed, resulting in ‘de-concentration’, i.e. , psychic fragmentation, a state that Minařík identify as the true cause of ignorance and unhappiness in life. This “lack of control in thinking, feelings, and in moods” (Minařík 1991/1, 30), and consequently “the state of inner exhaustion that is very advanced in all people” (Minařík 2013, 86) has, so Minařík, two main causes: 1) the essential nature of psychic forces, 2) the diffuse substance of an active mind. 1) Subtle essential energies which we call psychic forces are a source of human creativity that is depletable unless they are retained and replenished in the body. “A person whose consciousness wanders constantly outside of his or her body, emits this life-giving substance outside of the body, even though this substance is actually the so-called ‘quintessence’ which, for human health, represents the ultimate and most decisive factor in the field of inner functions.” (Minařík 2013, 83). “That is why we see an increase in nervousness and an ever-growing number of psychoses.” (Minařík 1991/1, 117). In consequence, the psyche of both individuals and entire civilizations has been dramatically worsening. “The world forces people to maintain high levels of concentration, which results in mental tension. Mental tension means pressure on the psychic centers that thereby become open and release the most subtle essential substance. This emanation has to be guided in the centripetal direction – [note: this emanation] will then regenerate and uplift man as if it were some sort of hormone of spiritual origin. Otherwise [note: