Volume 6 Issue 2 FALL 2020

2 8 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 6 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 2 0 Studying Spirituality of Muslim Spouses Fighting Infertility: FromMethodological Problems to Analysis of Everyday Practice Received September 3, 2020 Revised September 28, 2020 Accepted September 29, 2020 We introduce the study of interconnectedness of spirituality and fighting infertility by Muslim spouses, which is academically new issue of existential importance. While dealing with this unique issue, we have faced several complex methodological challenges that we present and analyze. We have also found out that main literary resources of Islam consider marriage and progeny the basic religious obligations. These go beyond the private and the individual, because reproduction contributes to the growth ofummah , and also because infertile couples are strongly socially stigmatized. The faith of these people passes through a unique existential test and they, under the influence of success or failure of steps in gaining fertility, interpret their responsive religious experience as miraculously healing or punishing. Likewise, doctors, jurists, religious authorities and other involved helping professionals must be aware of the role and quality of their clients’ spiritual condition, which can be both constructive and destructive for the outcome of the treatment as well as the overall quality of their lives. Key words Islam, spirituality, religious experience, infertility, concordist approach Monika Zaviš Pavel Procházka