Volume 6 / Issue 1 SPRING 2020

4 2 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 6 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 Lectio Divina and Neuroscience: Preliminary Notes Received January 17, 2020 Revised February 4, 2020 Accepted February 5, 2020 In the context of revival of interest in meditative forms of prayer, the author examines their importance and discusses it from the combined perspective of spirituality and neuroscience. He focuses in particular on the ancient meditative method associated with the reading of sacred texts known as Lectio Divina and highlights the continuous significance of this spiritual exercise. Consequently, he discusses its effectiveness while taking into consideration the findings of the brain research that examined the correlation between spiritual activities and neuroplasticity. In addition, he points to the positive effects of the said spiritual activities in terms of psychological experience. Key words Spirituality, Lectio Divina, meditation, brain, neuroscience Radovan Šoltés