Volume 5 Issue 2 FALL 2019

6 6 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 they knew their names and could get to know each other better. “When we are separated, we are a star to each other, a mere star in the midst of countless others,” said Celestin. “But when we are close together, we are the sun to each other, the only sun not equal in the world,” Astera assured him. So they embraced each other in heavenly love and got to know each other. As soon as they departed, they recognized a loved one with their own name and their own beauty. Conversely, in intimate proximity each of them loved one single being who had been here since ages and will be the same for ever. Chapter Four How did he get to the stars? One chases them with the wind, other silently glows with them in the sky. Then throughout the heavenly ages knight Celestin rested in the grace of this heaven. His love settled, and he flowed peacefully through time with his beloved star, Astera. Yet he was beginning to feel that there was something extra about him. It was the same as when he first met the sun closely. Despite the enormous power that had attracted him to the beloved star, the idea of ​what other stars were doing began to haunt him. But he couldn’t see any stars yet, because the sunshine of nearby Astera completely overshadowed them. “It begins to seem to you, my dear, that I am no longer enough for you?” Astera turned to him. Hesitantly, Celestin sought the answer. He felt that he was just waking up from a sweet dream, but he allowed himself to dream the rest of it. Though still having been drunk with heavenly love, in the depth of his soul he was curious what would happen next: “I just realized you weren’t the only abandoned star here. My heart is now crying for the other ones. I’d like to fly after them.” celestial fairy couldn’t be named other than Astera. From now Celestin and he felt it belonged to him, just as this beautiful The knight was just wondering, but he liked the new name home! And here your name is Celestin.” And here you are at home. You came here to visit your true “Yes, so far you are just on your way, but on a heavenly way. way.” “I have a name here? I’ve never been here! I’m just on my heavenly king. once I heard your name from him.” “But the knights of heaven, they serve not the earthly but the them anymore, and neither the king likes me too much.” had had enough and became robbers. I don’t want to know They had served the king faithfully for a long time, until they “I am a nameless knight, long abandoned by my relatives. And what’s your name?” to be within reach of each other, that my name was Astera. ages. I just remember in ancient times, when the stars used “I have no one to call me, as I have been abandoned here for “You must be… a celestial fairy? And what do they call you?” so that they could get a better look at each other. Then they stepped back away from each other courtly again ward to you coming one day…” “I the same way as you can be my sun! I was so looking for- ble, how can you be my sun?” “I gave up the sun, and the sun is here again. How is it possi- The knight released his bridle and spread his arms. “You must let go of the bridle for that, my heavenly knight.” “Come closer to me so I can embrace you.” human or celestial. in many, many ages, if memory ever encompasses it, whether tion. It was an extremely rare encounter, as it happens once long ago, bowing to each other in full respect and admira- They swirled around, like two stars have been doing since