Volume 5 Issue 2 FALL 2019

5 8 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 Chapter One Those who long to see the sun, let them not be lost in the clouds – even if they firmly believe that the sun is beyond them. And it came to pass in ancient times that everlasting darkness struck the whole county. Day after day, the sky was overcast with dark, heavy curtains of clouds. No one believed that the sun could ever show. All lanterns were sold out for years ahead, and after them all candles disappeared from the shelves. Anyone who had at least a small oil lamp was scrupulously sparing every remaining bit of wick. In a poor cottage below the castle, a cellar-master and two pilgrims are sitting at a table lit by a single candle: “I hear the sun will come out tomorrow.” “Fool, how can you believe in unearthly things? Who remembers any sun? Maybe there’s no sun at all.” “But I believe the sun exists! Once it comes out by itself, we have to believe and wait!” “And what if you just wait in vain?” “One day I must behold it, even after my death!” “Well, well, we’ll all see after we die.” Everyone around the table drank deeply from their clay cups. Without being noticed before, a knight joined their talk: “You say, after death? That may be enough for you, but I’d like to see the sun right now! I want to follow the Way of Heavenly Knight. You know… I’ve already seen the red sky at sunrise. I must get there!” “You’re lying! Be aware, everybody, there’s a heretic among us, can you hear him well?” “But it’s really true! Whoever becomes a heavenly knight can just rise above the clouds and see the sun. But first he heart heavy that he would miss it on his way. But the last He gave away his first coin with his face still drawn and his And so the knight had no choice but to give away his gold. after day still on the same ground. What heaven is that! of four horseshoes remained on the road behind them – day it looked up longingly. Still, no wings! only the deep prints the weight, always stumbling and falling into the mud when for it still weighed him down. His horse shuddered beneath already sold his castle and his heavy armour, the gold he got But the knight was not that fast to make it. Although he had least retreat. I’ll convince you! I’ll try this adventure.” it’s not in vain. Maybe they’ll get scared and disappear. or at morning I’m saddling my horse to fight the clouds. Maybe “So this was the last straw. Why waste time? Early in the bowed his head and muttered through his teeth: The knight stood up angrily and drew his sword, but then he but that’s not all, you’re unhappy here.” ed up just like us! You have to sit here with us in the dark, you shown at all? What good is that faith of yours? You end- for us, one day our sun will rise on its own. But what have be happy waiting here at the wine cup. our faith is enough “You talk a lot, knight! So do you believe or don’t you? We’ll rant.” “nobody for you. For no one here! I’m a nameless knight er- “Who are you anyway?” wings grow to his horse.” will be helped. As he is knighted to the heavenly knight, “They say that whoever yearns to get there with all his heart the clouds?” “nonsense! How could a horse be chased somewhere above over his head.” reward for his faith. And finally he goes ahead with the sun can see the sun for the first time and earn a well-deserved matters are the clouds, not the sun! And only after that he must believe that the sun has always been there! That what