Volume 5 Issue 2 FALL 2019

44 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 9 Islamic Reproductive Bioethics Knowledge Among University Students in the Czech Republic Received September 20, 2019 Revised October 11, 2019 Accepted October 12, 2019 This study has aimed to evaluate the level of knowledge about Islamic reproductive bioethics among university students in the Czech Republic. The research sample consisted of 581 students of twelve universities in the Czech Republic. The majority of participants were females (72,6 %), while males were more than 2,6 times less (27,4 %). Data were obtained via online questionnaires. Out of seven questions dealing with reproductive bioethics in Islam, majority of participants managed to answer correctly three questions: on the conception of the marriage (75,6 %), on the basic precondition of the procreation (94,8 %), and on the feminine infanticide according to Muhammad’s  doctrine (58,7 %). The majority of incorrect answers reached questions number 5 and 7, on the permissibility of the usage of the ARTs (79,5 %), and the permissibility of the induced abortion (66,3 %). Overall, the worst results reached those answers, that were dealing with the contemporary status of the Islamic attitudes towards scientific achievements in reproductive medicine. We assume, that this outcome stems from the typically historical approach to lecturing on Islam at universities. Although lectures on Islam are properly firstly focusing on written sources, history and ritual praxis of this religion, we suggest, that their content should be enriched with the dimension of present forms of living Islam in everyday life decision-making, and effort to manage current challenges according to religious regulations. Key words Islam, reproductive bioethics, procreation, infanticide, ARTs, induced abortion Monika Zaviš