Volume 5 Issue 1 Spring 2019

S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 5 - 1 S p r i n g 2 0 1 9 1 5 Michal Kutáš would not get blurred because of its speed (when measuring its speed), but because we try to measure its speed precisely. So, the ball, which is “moving fast” (but how can we tell?), would not get blurred, if we would not measure its velocity precisely, and the “standing” ball would be blurred, if we were to try to measure its speed with great precision. But in the real world – because all is quantum at some level, there is no exception – situation is rather like that, although we do not sense it. It is very different from what we are able to imagine based on our senses. So, according to this very successful scientific theory, objects have no precise boundaries, they intersect with each other and mingle with each other, can jump through each other, can be connected in a mysterious ways of quantum entanglement, and are in a sense not “objects” at all – they are not objects in the sense our senses construe objects for us. The reality is not objectified – not in the sense we know the “objects”– and observation seems to create the final version of what we see, not only reveal what is. What we see is thus almost entirely wrong, and what is there is deeply different and extremely richer in detail and complexity – it is strange and different. Reality itself, even according to current, in no way final scientific theories, lives and breathes for the most part beyond our imagination, moves in ways unknown to us. Almost completely blind and deaf giants, not knowing even themselves because they are made from the same stuff as is reality, walk here almost without awareness, not knowing what they do – stepping into relations and fields they do not see nor smell, living on an uttermost surface, seeing all from a great distance, not used to the nature of matter, not able to imagine it adequately. They do not live consciously in the only medium which is and in which they daily swim. Literally, we perceive almost nothing of a physical reality in which we live, and even the surface appearing before our eyes is fundamentally distorted – not only extremely simplified and schematized. Do you see the darkness just before our eyes, the unknown world, the mystery? The limits of our sensory apparatus have bearing on the limits of our reason, language, and even logic. Reason can stretch itself, with effort and long training, to go as far as the relativistic world. But it is not able to digest and understand fundamental nature of matter and energy in quantum realm. It can feed on mathematical objects representing the quantum world before the observation and also to understand the jump from them to what is observed, but he is not able to enter the picture itself and unite these two parts of the theory. That is why we look at the double-slit experiment with a dull look – not able to unite in our understanding the wave function and its reduction. The problem is not in the complexity of equations, but in the question: which quantum object counts as an observer? Thus at least I understand the problem of the Schrödinger’s cat. If there would be a conscious human being in the box, we would have the answer: he will be either dead or alive – just one of the possibilities – long before we peek into the box, because he observed the situation from inside. If there would be a stone inside the box, the system would jump through reduction in the moment of our observation of the inside of the box – and till that it would remain in the state of superposition of hit and unhit stone. But what about the cat?