Volume 4 Issue 2 Fall 2018

1 4 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 4 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 8 198–199) are the forms of helping humankind which was created for serving and worshiping Allah, the Donor of life and the Donor of reason, which his servants are obligatory to use, support and develop its achievements. We have seen in our analysis of the topic of sex selection in the history of Islam that it has gone trough a lot of changes both regarding the attitude towards female sex, towards responsibility of women, conceptions of formation of female sex, to current possibilities to select particular sex on the basis of medical indication or non-medical motives, wishes or religious commitment of future parents. Sex selection based on egoistic motives of future parents is not considered to be an argument for the interruption of conceived child of unwanted sex in Islam. Modern religious authorities in Islam strongly support such current and prospective research in genetics, which will bring health, and in the same time will not be misused on fulfilling the selfish ambitions of wealthy individuals regarding reproduction, ARTs, and sex selection, which are contradictory to Allah’s will. Acknowledgement The study is a part of the project Vega no. 1/0585/18Bioethics of Reproductive Health in Islam: Basis, Discussion and Challenges (2018–2019) realized at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Notes [1] PGD –Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis– preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos or oocytes before in vitro fertilization (IVF). It is used to identify DNA mutations that produce genetically transmitted diseases. The PGD also allows recognition and selection of the future child’s sex out of medical (e.g. inheritance of diseases in the lineage of male offsprings, so-called x-linked diseases when the female sex of the child is chosen) and non-medical reasons (e.g. for religious reasons, for the family to have a male heir and continuator). [2] Muslim patients use to consult their health condition and decision to undergo particular medical procedure, examination or treatment with their family members before giving an official informed consent. Gynecological or sexual issues belong together with end-of-life issues to the most sensitive in Muslim patients (Daar and Al Khitamy 2001, 62). [3] According to Valjan this is a justified request when there is a wish to ensure family balance and it has educational significance. When family consist of the parents and the offsprings of different sexes, it reaches better educational usefulness and also psychological balance. However, parents should never feel guity, if this wish of children with diffrerent sexes occurs in them if they are open to accept the conceived child no matter of what sex, without psychological and abortifacient rejection of this child. Responsible parenthood should be planned and be without any signs of egoism. The way, how would parents like to reach their planned family depends only upon them, and the state where they are living should not, or has no moral right to involve into their decision making (Valjan 2004, 228, 230). [4] There are several expert polemic studies on this height of rates in males in Ericsson. Some web sites of the ARTs clinics show lower percentage prediction. [5] Arabic translation according to Qur’an in Arabic and Bosnian edition (Sarajevo: AA): “ve ennehū haleka-zzevdžejni-źźekere ve-l ’unşā n’min nutfetin iźā tumnā”. [6] This antagonism of dry and wet, warm and cold, male and female reminds us of the Chinese dualism represented by the basic principles of the world Yin and Yang, where Yin is female, wet, cold, dark, connected to water and soil, and passive, while Yang is male, dry, warm, bright, connected to fire and wind, and active.