44 S p i r i t ua l i t y S t u d i e s 2 - 2 Fa l l 2 0 1 6 Explanation for the Mystical Practice III. Received June 6, 2016 Revised July 20, 2016 Accepted August 1, 2016 Concentration on feet and legs as a whole, with a special focus on their flesh, has an effect on the development of the intellect and deepening of the sensory discernment, because right here, in the legs, in the flesh of the body, the basis of the inner life is situated. The same concentration with a special focus on their bones – and in particular to the bones of knees – eliminates the instability of the usual attention; it is used to stabilize the entire inner life. The current article is a continuation of Explanation for the Mystical Practice I. and Explanation for the Mystical Practice II., published in the previous editions of Spirituality Studies. Key words Yoga, mystical practice, concentration, methodology of concentration Květoslav Minařík