about this concentration, that the yogi can, through its influence, shake the worlds. Let us, however, put aside the reflections about this claim. Let us turn to the simple mystical experience with concentration. We can claim about it, that, if it is to be as effective as it is mentioned in the writings on yoga, it always has to be indirect. It must be a concentration into the legs, which must release a sufficient amount of the muscle substrates of an energetic character, to be able to develop the hidden energy, even in such a high centre as is the one in the neck. When this is successful, then the accompanying mystical experience is, in particular, an entry into the limitless space. However, this experience and this possibility horrifies the small souls, because, such souls suffer from a constant hidden or manifest desire to always be in the company of beings, in the environment of things differentiated by shape, while the “emptiness without supports” inspires horror in them. However, the mystical development is, at the same time, a research of the microcosm, and therefore the “qualities of the neck centre” – of Vishuddha, must also be known and mastered. I claim that they cannot be known by an industrious direct concentration, because, this concentration is always of too crude a nature – it does not bring about the reactions of the subtle substances. On the contrary, the vital substrates, which were extracted by the concentration into the feet and legs, may bring the expected result and by that help a person to cross the borderline from the world of being subordinated to the natural laws to the world of power over the world of various urgencies – to get to know, by this, that the world is, on all its levels, a world of events which are subject to the law of causation and not a world of spheres controlled by gods; the lower gods do not have this power, because they suffer from selfness, while the higher ones do not have it due to the fact that they are not interested in the outer worlds. Only because of this, we live in the world of laws, in particular the karmic ones. Every yogi will get to know this, who, with a complete inner ‘armoury’, enters the world of the “neck lotus flower” as a being which is not subject to any suggestion invoked by a personified, or, a non-personified outer power. Only the centre of the forehead can be opened by the yogi by means of the synergy of a direct concentration with the vital substrates released by the concentration into the flesh of legs. Therefore, the results of the opening of this centre are more obvious to everyone who practises concentration on the legs. It is, in the first place, an inner consolidation, noticeable enough to be identified even by a person with average ability of discernment. And the visions of light which occur during the concentration into this centre? – They are a portent of the realisation of the state of salvation. However, in such a case, the experience is then lacking from the path from the base of the vital, whose place is in the feet and legs, up to the top of the mental, whose place is in the head. Therefore, a simple person who, in some way, attained the development of this psycho-physiological neural centre by the synergy of both the above mentioned forces, can attain salvation without having the knowledge with which the powerful gurus, who went through all experiences of the mystical path, are equipped. These experiences teach us in an entirely factual way, that the mystical education must be based on concentration on the feet and legs in order to prevent somersaulting from the Spirituality Studies 2 (1) Spring 2016 69