70 Spirituality Studies 10-2 Fall 2024 questions on the questionnaire examined the various roles that students played in the classroom (aggressor, victim, defender, non-bully participants). According to Solberg and Olweus (2003), the behavior must have occurred within the previous two or three months in order for bullying to be confirmed-it cannot only have occurred in the last week or right now. Loneliness Scale (De Jong Grieveld and Van Tilburg 2006) The six items on the scale are all related to loneliness. The measure consists of two subscales: emotional loneliness (three items) and social loneliness (three items). Using a five-point Likert scale, the respondent assigns a rating to each statement (1 strongly disagree, 5 strongly agree). Despite being very old, this instrument has been employed recently. Spirituality Two basic items served as indicators of spirituality: (1) Spirituality plays a significant role in my life; and (2) I believe that spiritual practice plays a significant role in my life, with a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). We aim to examine the perceived significance of spirituality and the perceived significance of engaging in spiritual practices by posing these two queries. 3 Results 3.1 Descriptive Analysis Our study population consisted of 719 adolescents aged from 16 to 19 years (M=17.8; SD=1.11), including 194 males (M=17.6; SD=1.08; 27%) and 525 females (M=17.9; SD=1.11; 73%). Respondents most commonly had one sibling (N=360; 50.1%) or two siblings (N=177; 24.7%). Respondents most commonly came from a rural (N=388; 54%) and a district town (N=262; 36.4%). Within the roles related to bullying in our sample, 135 respondents (20.8%), including 19 males (2.9%) and 116 females (17.9%), were in the role of victim; 253 respondents (39%), including 47 males, were in the role of bystander (7.25 respondents were in the role of aggressor (3.8%), of which 10 were men (1.5%) and 15 were women (2.3%) and 328 respondents (50.6%), of which 54 were men (8.3%) and 274 were women (42.3%) were in the role of defender. 3.2 Correlation Analysis Due to the nature of the data, we decided to use Spearman’s correlation coefficient as the key coefficient despite the normal distribution of the data. We analyzed the experience of spirituality, specifically the importance and practice of spirituality, for all role groups (victim, aggressor, defender, bystander). A statistically significant positive weak relationship was confirmed with the importance of spirituality in only the role of victim of bullying; no statistically significant relationship was confirmed in the other role groups in the context of the importance and practice of spirituality. In the context of perceived loneliness, we demonstrated a statistically significant negative relationship with the role of victim, namely in the case of overall loneliness (p<0.001; ρ=-0.221), this relationship is of medium effect. We also demonstrated a statistically significant negative relationship partially, and thus with social loneliness (p<0.001; ρ=- 0.225) and emotional loneliness (p<0.001; ρ=-0.178). Both partial variables show a weak effect. With overall loneliness, we showed a statistically significant negative relationship with role aggressor (p=0.007; ρ=-0.107), as well as with social loneliness (p=0.028; ρ=-0.086) and emotional loneliness (p=0.003; ρ=-0.116). All the relationships are of weak to negligible effect. We showed a statistically significant negative association with overall loneliness in defenders (p=0.003; ρ=-0.117), as well as social loneliness (p=0.005; ρ=-0.11) and emotional loneliness (p=0.011; ρ=-0.10). All these relationships are of weak effect. In the case of overall loneliness, we identically showed a statistically significant negative relationship in the bystander role context (p=0.01; ρ=-0.101), as well as with both social loneliness (p=0.01; ρ=-0.099) and emotional loneliness (p=0.033; ρ=-0.084). The results of the correlation analysis are summarized in Table 1.