any given situation. So it is a state described in the Yoga Sūtras  I. 3, in Sri Ramana Gita and other yoga texts. Therefore it is imperative to come to an understanding what ahamkāra is doing for us and learn the lessons presented by it internally and externally. Then we are able to realize the real wonder of all beings seamlessly woven into the manifested world on the level of Bhu-loka [note: this leads to real Īśvarapranidhāna] and beyond. References Friedman, Jerome. 2015. “Are We Really Built From Quarks?” Lecture presented at the Technical University Ostrava, Czech Republic. Fry, Hannah. 2015. Do you really make your own decisions? Accessed October 31. http:// www.bbc.com/future/story/20151030-doesfate-exist Ganapati Muni. 1966. Sri Ramana Gita. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanashramam. Hariharananda. 1984. Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali. New York: SUNY. Palmer, Martin. 2001. The Jesus Sutras. New York: Ballantine. Shankaracharya. 1982. Aparokshanubhuti. Translated by Vimuktananda Swami. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama. Timčák, Gejza M. 2015. “The Life Model of Nisargadatta Maharaj as Interpreted by Ramesh Balsekar.” Spirituality Studies 1 (2). Vay, Adelma. 1923. Szellem, erő, anyag [Spirit, Power, and Matter]. Pest. Veda Bharati. 2015. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: A Translation with Commentary. Rishikesh: Samadhi pada. About the author Doc. Ing. Gejza M. Timčák, PhD. (1942) is a yoga tutor and author of a number of yoga related books like Joga 1–4 in Slovak (6 editions), Joga 1–2 in Hungarian (2 editions), Yoga 1 in German (1 edition), Personal Development Strategies in Yoga, translation of theGheranda Samhita, Goraksha Shatakam, Aparoksha Anubhuti, Sarva Upanishad, Satkarma Sangrahahor Shat Chakra Nirupanam. On conferences and courses he had countless presentations on diverse yoga subjects. He co-authored books (e.g. teaching materials for Slovak Yoga Association’s yoga teacher courses), films (e.g. Disregarded Possibilities), and videos (e.g. Hitting the Bull’s Eye) on yoga. He is a co-developer of the Savita Yoga style, president of the Slovak Yoga Association, and chairman of the Association for the Advancement of Yoga. His activities relate also to the European Union of Yoga. He teaches yoga in various European and Asian countries. His email contact is timcak.gejza@atk.sk. Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015 67 (5)