cepts, is already becoming dull and becomes the bridle of a slave – the bearer of this mind. The yogis’ plan is to overcome every manifestation of imperfection. Their ideal is freedom, which is being realised only above the state of the differentiated thinking. Over there, where the truths of individuals are no longer valid, the only valid thing is the stream of cognition which is a permanent factor, constantly breaking down the moments of differentiation and in this way protecting the state known as nirvana, redemption from delusions, ill will and hatred. What do these prospects mean for a modern person? They mean the person’s strength, the person’s knowledge, their overcoming of every smallness of spirit and development of their abilities to learn and understand. Moreover, later they mean the reaching of a state in which they evidently detect that they have stopped the process of living as a factor creating causes of further and further urgencies of destiny, and, finally, the realisation of such a good state that it is not possible to describe it in words which would be understood. Up to here, yoga is, for a modern person, a benefit for their life. However, it becomes the very opposite, if, of yoga as a whole, some parts are torn out – some parts evoking images of success in the society or in enjoyments in people who haven’t disciplined their cravings beforehand. For, these people are never able to systematically progress in the realisation of the yogic teaching and therefore they start with hope and end with – disappointment. In a concise summary, yogic practice carried out in this way is thus a systematic method of the gradual absorption of being into an undifferentiated essence of the universe, into the absolute. Concentration of mind is the tool for this method. The analytical concentration can be considered to be a classical concentration. By means of it, it is possible to discern the elements of our being to such an extent that the consciousness is able to identify all qualities of the universe, out of which it is the absolute which is the highest one. By its identification, a prerequisite is created for its realisation. Our ‘I’ can this way unify with the absolute. 3 Yoga and intellect There is a lot written about how yoga benefits health. However, in fact it also has a positive influence on the intellect, while this influence of yoga is determined by psychological factors and not by occult or divine ones. In this sense, I want to talk mainly about myself, but this will perhaps not be of harm if we take into account that, in few words, I want to say a lot. I already accepted the full inventory of yoga as life directions as an adolescent boy. This was after I realised my inner and physical poverty as well as their consequences for my future life, because I have been through, in total four years of school education, malnutrition and work exertion of over ninety working hours per week. During that period, my only friend brought me a paperback about yoga. Spirituality Studies 1 (1) Spring 2015 85 (9)